Two Day in the Philippines

Precisely at 06:45 we held a ceremony in front of TARLAC administration office building. Finish the ceremony there are some welcome for us who come their country. And take a picture together.
Finish our ceremony, Im go back to the HOSTEL getting ready for the next event. Right at 09:00 we gathered in a campus hall for the opening of our program, and to do the activity of introducing ourselves. And lunch with family members from campus. And do not forget to take pictures together.

And at 15:30 we do an orientation to the school that is around the campus with our supervisor. We also visited high schools and junior high schools around the campus, we also went to some of the existing room at school. Like the headmaster room etc.
And we also visited libraries and bakeries around the campus, and we also tried some of the cakes served by the members. And the cake is really good. And suitable for souvenirs back home.
After we finished the campus, we also had dinner with family members from campus, and accompanied by band music, all of us got a turn to sing. After dinner. We went back to our room for rest.


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