Practicing Teaching in the Class

Today is February 7, 2018, exactly Wednesday. Today is the second day I teach in grade 12b. Actually today is the third day I teach, but because on February 6, 2018, I did not go to class, because my mentor was ill, and the class was gone.

Today I come in at 1:00 p.m, and finish the class at 3:00 p.m. I am accompanied by Buddy (Miss. Beverly) to class the class today. Because my Mentor is still sick. And he has not been able to teach in class.
Arriving in class. All the students are tidying up the seats and getting ready to start learning today. And our activity in class today is to give students an assessment of the percentage of their group. Because last week I gave them the task to bring a product, and to present it in front of the class. Initially my mentor came to class, and then asked permission for the room, because his body is still not healthy.

The group that will represent the products is 5 groups. One by one the group appeared in front of the class and presented the products they brought with them. And by chance they all bring soap products. And there is no variety of products, but they are able to present their products well. And I really appreciate their work.

And all the groups have performed and introduced their products in front of the class. And I judge from the back. My Buddy (Miss. Beverly) and I sat in the back and watched the student group look. His judgment is based on the score Beverly has shown me. And all groups generally get good and best grades. And the class is over. The class ended. I closed the lesson. And back to Faculty Office.

Teaching Methods
I was mentored by a mentor named Sir Sonny Aquino santos, he has a job as a teacher and also as a lecturer in Collge business management, he taught the meteri about entrepreneurship. such as market riserch, marketing mix, management of innovation and many other materials about the entrepreneurship. the teacher also taught the material by presenting vidio to his / her own. and the teacher must also motivate the students to learn. After I observed my mentor when he teach. I got 3 methods which he always uses in his class, as follow:
·      Use visuals: While explaining an operation or skill, use a visual or graphic to help get the point across. This can be as simple as showing the lesson on a document camera or as savvy as using a video or other technology tool.
·      Make connections: To help students make sense of concepts, provide them with connections to the real world or previously taught lessons. Always begin a new lesson with a reminder of the last.
·      Use assessments: My mentor use it to check in on student learning and drive future instruction.
Using Materials and Innovation                                     
Using material based on Basic core curriculum, syllabus, and  entrepreneurship material. For innovation, teacher using learning where the teacher explains more about the material and the teacher is also the center of the learning for the students.
Sources Of Learning and Technology
Every teacher in the school uses a handbook that can be accessed on the internet as a guide for teachers. and teachers also add material from the internet. and using learning media with technology such as power point. as well as displaying vidio related to the material to increase student insight. and in addition the teacher can use an extra worksheet for handouts.


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